U N N A T U R A L   H I S T O R Y   M U S E U M

“  M E R M A I D   R E P O R T S  
Jim Meredith, Capt. H. Z. Osborne of the Express, Col. Bob Kerns, Col. Blanton Duncan, Col. George Miles, Capt. John Morris, Judge George Wooley, and J. F. Cosby the Figueroa street millionaire.
    On Friday last the Blue Grass Belle with the above named gentlemen aboard after a splendid sail under a free wind reached the neighborhood of the causeway at about 4 o clock in the afternoon. It was full tide and the handsome boat had but little difficuity, with skilled hands aboard, in threading her way among the rocks and reefs and finally the anchor was heaved among the columns of the Cleopatra causeway itself. As the Blue Grass Belle was lying there rocking upon the swelling waters in the shaded cave, with the pillars of stalactite and stalagmite and other beautiful formations about them. Colonel Lewis, who is an expert swimmer, suggested a plunge into the cool, clear brine, and exploring some of the chambers and caves which opened into the large one in which they then were.
    Captain Osborne responded and the two dived and then swam towards an opening beyond which is the Spirit cave. Judge of their astonishment when once inside to discover that it was peopled by beings closely resembling the mermen and mermaids that by many are supposed to be purely mythical, the steep banks and projecting crags being crowded with these interesting creatures. As the two swimmers approached, the mermen and maidens plunged into the water, seemingly in abject terror at the intrusion and sight of beings so alike themselves.
    One of the strange creatures was not to disappear, however. After a short, sharp struggle Tom Lewis and Captain Osborne captured a female. With some difficulty she was taken out of Spirit cave and into the larger and main entrance, where, with the assistance of Postmaster Van Dusen and fob Northam she was placed on board the boat and secured in one of the handsome staterooms.
    The head bears a very close resemblance to that of a human being and the neck, shoulders, body, arms and hands are almost identically the same, though on a much smaller scale. The hair with which the head is graced is nearly four feet long, fine in texture and coal black in color. Her eyes are perfectly-formed, are grayish blue and are fringed in silken lashes. The eyebrows are well defined and describe beautiful arches. From the hips down the creature resembles a fish in shape, and that portion is covered with fine scales and is replete with fins. In the water and near the surface both scales and fins are radiant in iridescent colorings. Locomotion on land is very difficult but it is extremely active in its favorite element. While thoroughly amphibious, the class seems to make use of its ability to remain on land and breathe air, only to rest from its sports or its pursuit of food.
    The screams and cries of the female captured by Messrs. Lewis and Osborne, at the time the struggle with her took place, are said by those who heard them to have been heartrending. She resisted the enforced separation with every effort and artifice. Once in the power of the captors X
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